Total No of PhD: 17 members with Ph.D and 13 members are pursuing Ph.D.
The Department is accredited with 3 Years in 2019 by National Board of Accreditation, New Delhi.
Recognized as Research Centre by Anna University, Chennai from 2012.
10 faculty members are recognized supervisors of Anna University, Chennai.
17 research scholars are currently pursuing Ph.D. and 26 faculty members have completed Ph.D. since 2012 under Dept. of IT Research Centre.
252 research articles are published in reputed international journals for the past five years.
10 faculty members have been certified as WIPRO-PRP trainers and 5 faculty members are undergoing WIPRO-PRP training.
12 faculty members have been certified as IBM-Mobile Application development trainers.
20 faculty members have been certified as IBM-Data Analytics Mobile Application development trainers.
All faculty members are pursuing and completing technical courses in NPTEL every semester.
AICTE RPS Project has been completed with the cost of Rs. 3.5 Lakhs.
AICTE has approved MODROBS for the total cost of Rs 6.5 Lakhs
Big data Initiatives Division(BDI) – DST sponsored Ten Day Training Programme on Bigdata Analytics has been conducted with the sanctioned amount of Rs. 6 Lakhs.
MoU has been signed with Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC). The C-DAC is a premier R&D society of Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Ministry of Communications & Information Technology (MCIT), Govt. of India.
Signed an MoU with D-LINLK for “Center of Excellence in Networks”
INTEL@ Intelligent System Lab has been set up to enhance students employability skill
ACCs, IIsc Bangalore and IIIT-Bangalore sponsored Intel Boards worth Rs. 30 Lakhs for Intel Intelligent Lab for students projects.
Resource Centre at National Cyber Safety and Security Standards( NCSSS)” as an “Cyber Defence Resource Centre at National Cyber Safety and Security Standards”.
World’s leading US based Robotic Process Automation Company Automation Anywhere has joined hands with PSNACET to establish Centre-of-Excellence (BOT Lab) to train and certify the next generation of automation engineers for global IT Industry
QEEE (Quality Enhancement in Engineering and Technology) online courses (1- Credit Course) are conducted by IIT MADRAS, sponsored byMHRD for curriculum enrichment and around 160 students are completing courses every semester.
To enhance the coding skills of students, spoken tutorial online courses are conducted by IIT-Bombay.
IIT-M sponsored Socially Relevant Project (SRP) titled “Empowerment of the differently abled persons” is headed by Dr.S.Pushpavanam, Professor, IIT-Madras in collaboration with PSNACET. In connection to this, an Android App “The Palani Yaatra” has been developed by IT students for the benefit of pilgrims.
In collaboration with IIT-M, our students have developed Mobile App ‘Palani Yaatra “ product uploaded in Google Play Store.
Conducted 4 seminars/workshops during the academic year 2017-18 funded by CSI and ACCS (Advanced Computing and Communication Society, IISc, Bangalore).
A student has been selected as one among 1000 students in India and offered an ANDROID NANO DEGREE COURSE with a scholarship of Rs. 78000 by Google India and Tata Trust.
Our student has been selected as the facilitator of PSNACET for Google Applied CS with Android Program.
A student has been selected as one among 10 Lakhs students in India and invited to Google INDIA, Google Developer Days, Bangalore and Google Summit, Goa.
Google Students Club (GSC) aims to help students practice their areas of expertise.
Developers Students Club (DSC) is recognised by GOOGLE INDIA for the academic year 2017- 18.
Participated in Zoho –Incubation Process Competition
A Team “PI (People with Innovation)” received Project funding Rs. 3 Lakhs from Ministry of Steel, Indore, through AICTE, in SMART INDIA HACKTHON – 2017.
A Team “PI (People with Innovation)” won First with cash award Rs. One Lakh from Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, at Sagar Institute of Research and Technology on 30 & 31 March 2018 , through AICTE, in SMART INDIA HACKTHON – 2018.
105, 118 and 96 students got placed during2020, 2019 and 2018 respectively in companies like Zoho, Wipro, Amazon, CTS, TCS, etc.,
Students bagged bronze medal in programming contests organized by HackerRank.
Our students represented India in Indo-Malaysia Ball Badminton Test Series held at Malaysia and won Doubles and Fives matches
AICTE sponsored Two Weeks Faculty Development Programme on Fundaments of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Cyber Security during 2019 with the sanctioned amount of Rs. 2.5 Lakhs
ATAL (AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy) Sponsored training programme on AIin Computer visionhas been conducted duringJanuary 2020 with sanctioned amount of Rs. 0.95 Lakhs.
AICTE sponsored STTP on Data Science Tools and Techniques in Engineering has been conducted during Feb 2021 with sanctioned amount of Rs. 3.5 Lakhs
Anna University Sponsored one week FDP has been conducted during the year 2019, 2018, 2015 and 2013.