Course Outcomes
S.No Semester   NBA Code Course code Course Title CO Course Outcome Statements
C101 HS8151 Communicative English   CO1 Comprehend both the written and spoken texts. Able to                           frame questions  and  answer to write and speak grammatically correct sentences.
      CO2 Write a paragraph around a topics sentences,write descriptions and        dialogues,use of telephones etiquettes.
  CO3 Write coherent paragraphs with wide range of  vocabulary.
  CO4 Understand the awareness of the art of  personal letter/email writing without grammatical errors.
  CO5 Participate in short group to use collocation /fixed and semi fixed expressions.
      CO6 Use the English language both for technical and functional communication in real life situation  through learning the essential of English grammar and formal and informal communication strategies.
C102 MA8151 Engineering Mathematics - I CO1 The concepts of functions, Limit of a function, Continuity, Derivatives, Differentiation Rules, Maxima and Minima of functions of one variable are introduced and explained.
      CO2 Problems related to Partial differentiation, Homogeneous functions and Euler`s theorem, Total Derivative, Jacobians, Partial differentiation of implicit functions, Taylor`s series for functions of two variables are demonstrated. Maxima and Minima of functions of two variables, Lagrange`s method of undetermined multipliers are introduced and explained.
  CO3 Ability to solve the problems involving Single integrals.
  CO4 Ability to solve the problems involving Multiple Integrals.
  CO5 Problems related to Higher order LDE with constant coefficient, MVP, Homogeneous equation of Euler`s and Lagrange`s type, sytem of simultaneous LDE with constant coefficients  are demonstrated.
      CO6 To enable the student function effectively in applying aspects of differentiation & integration to meet the specific needs of the society by committing to  professional ethics
C103 PH8151 Engineering Physics CO1 Gain knowledge on the basics of properties of matter and its applications
      CO2 Acquire knowledge on the concepts of waves and optical devices and their applications in fibre optics
  CO3 Adequate knowledge on the concepts of thermal properties of materials and their applications in expansion joints and heat exchangers
  CO4 Get knowledge on advanced physics concepts of quantum theory and its applications in tunneling microscopes
  CO5 Understand the basics of crystals, their structures and different crystal growth techniques
      CO6 Work as an individual or a team to design and develop modern techniques as per physical science principles and practices
C104 CY8151 Engineering Chemistry  CO1 Illustrate the basic parameters of water, different water softening processes and effect of hard water in industries. Understand the impact of engineering solutions for the treatment of hard water
      CO2 Understanding the concepts of adsorption processes and catalysis by using mathematical tools and scientific principles one can solve the problems of water pollution and other industrial requirements
  CO3 Gain knowledge about the metals (eg.Pb, Ag) and their behaviours in the field of engineering. Summarize the classification, preparation, properties and application of ferrous alloys. Apply appropriate techniques to increase the strength of steel
  CO4 Understanding energy sources, supply and demand, knowledge of latest technologies to conserve the energy and knowledge of fuel cells and hydrogen energy. The student demonstrates the ability to think critically, abstractly and logically about renewable energy resources
  CO5 Ability to characterize the fuels and understand and analyze the combustion mechanisms of various fuels. Create awareness about the eco friendly fuels for maintaining sustainability and multi-disciplinary environments. 
      CO6 Recognize  the need for water treatment and energy sources for life-long learning and also demonstrate the knowledge of engineering solutions. 
C105 GE8151 Problem Solving and Python Programming CO1 Develop algorithmic solutions to simple computational problems
      CO2  Read, write, execute by hand simple Python programs.
  CO3  Structure simple Python programs for solving problems.
  CO4  Decompose a Python program into functions.
  CO5  Represent compound data using Python lists, tuples, dictionaries.
      CO6  Read and write data from/to files in Python Programs.
C106 GE8152 Engineering Graphics CO1 Familiarize with the fundamentals and standards of Engineering graphics
      CO2 Perform freehand sketching of basic geometircal constructions and multiple views of objects.
  CO3 Project orthographic projections of lines and plane surfaces.
  CO4 Draw projections and solids and development of surfaces.
  CO5 Visualize and to project isometric and perspective sections of simple solids.
      CO6 Introduction to Building drawing
C107 GE8161 Problem Solving and Python Programming Laboratory  CO1 To implement Python programs with conditionals and loops.
      CO2 Use functions for structuring Python programs.
  CO3 Represent compound data using Python lists, tuples, dictionaries.
  CO4 Read and Write data from/to files in Python.
  CO5 To write, test, and debug simple Python programs.
      CO6 To implement Python programs with conditionals and loops.
C108 BS8161  Physics and Chemistry Laboratory CO1 Determine the thermal conductivity value of bad conductors and to use the acquired knowledge   in thermodynamic lab experiments.
      CO2 Enhance the knowledge of diffraction and spectrum by evaluating the wavelength of various predominant spectral lines.
  CO3 Determine the forbidden energy gap of a given PN junction diode to enhance the knowledge of semiconducting materials.  
  CO4 Determine the rigidity modulus and moment of inertia of a wire and to use the gained knowledge in   various metallurgical applications.
  CO5 Gain knowledge on the industrial applications of the materials by determining the young’s modulus value of the sample materials. 
      CO6 Apply the knowledge of various physical properties in day today life activities
C109 HS8251 Technical English  CO1 Comprehend both the written and spoken texts. Able to                           frame questions  and  answer to write and speak grammatically correct sentences.
      CO2 Write a paragraph around a topics sentences,write descriptions and        dialogues,use of telephones etiquettes.
      CO3 Write coherent paragraphs with wide range of  vocabulary.
      CO4 Understand the awareness of the art of  personal letter/email writing without grammatical errors.
      CO5 Participate in short group to use collocation /fixed and semi fixed expressions.
      CO6 Use the English language both for technical and functional communication in real life situation  through learning the essential of English grammar and formal and informal communication strategies
C110 MA8251 Engineering Mathematics – II  CO1 Recover the Eigen values and Eigen vectors of a matrix and orthogonal transformation of a matrix.
      CO2 Design solutions for the given vector oriented integral problems by using the appropriate vector operators and theorems.
  CO3 Apply the reasoning obtained by the contextual knowledge of analytic functions in facing the challenges in engineering field 
  CO4 Recognize the need of finding the solutions of definite integrals in effective communication on complex engineering activities.
  CO5 Demonstrate the knowledge of Laplace transformations of functions in solving the practical problems pertaining to the societal contexts by conducting investigation using various techniques.
      CO6 Enable the student function effectively in applying, analyzing, interpreting and recognizing the need of the various concepts studied
C111 PH8252  Physics for Information Science CO1 Apply basic science to understand and analyze the properties of conducting materials
      CO2 Apply the theory of electronics to evaluate, design and analyze the semiconducting material
      CO3 To acquire knowledge on different types of magnetic materials and its uses in data storage 
      CO4 To gain knowledge in optical properties of materials and light emitting devices
      CO5 Understand the basics of quantum structures and their applications in      
      CO6 Realizing the responsibilities on society and recognize the need for modern technical development in the area of electrical and electronics, magnetic and biomaterials.
C112 BE8255 Basic Electrical, Electronics and Measurement Engineering  CO1 Understand the basic theorems used in electrical circuits.
      CO2 Study the basic principles of electrical machines and their performance.
  CO3 Understand the introduction of renewable sources and common domestic loads.
  CO4 Understand the fundamentals of electronic circuit constructions.
      CO5 Understand the principles and operation of measuring instruments and transducers.
C113 IT8201 Information Technology Essentials   CO1 Design and deploy web-sites.
      CO2  Design and deploy simple web-applications.
  CO3  Create simple database applications.
  CO4 Develop information system.
  CO5 Describe the basics of networking and mobile communications.
      CO6 Understand various applications related to Information Technology.
C114 CS8251 Programming in C CO1  Develop simple applications in C using basic constructs.
      CO2 Design and implement applications using arrays and strings.
  CO3  Develop and implement applications in C using functions and pointers.
  CO4  Develop applications in C using structures.
  CO5 Design applications using sequential and random access file processing.
      CO6 Design and implement simple projects using C
C115 GE8261 Engineering Practices Laboratory CO1 Fabricate carpentry components and pipe connections including plumbing works
      CO2 Do welding, basic machining and sheet metal works
  CO3 Understand machine assembly practices foundry and fitting operations
  CO4 Make house wiring, fluorescent lamp wiring stair case wiring and measure voltage, current, resistance, power,power factor and energy
  CO5 Study logic gates, generation of clock signals,soldering practices,half wave and fullwave rectifiers
      CO6 Handle the machining tools and electronics instruments and use them to prepare simple models
 C116 CS8261 C Programming Laboratory    CO1 Develop C programs for simple applications making use of basic constructs.
      CO2 Develop C programs using arrays and strings. 
  CO3 Develop C programs involving functions and recursion.
  CO4 Develop C Programs with the pointers and structures concepts.
  CO5  Design applications using sequential and random access file processing.
      CO6 Design and develop mini projects using C programming
C117 IT8211 Information Technology Essentials Laboratory  CO1 Design interactive websites using basic HTML tags, different styles, links and   with all Basic control elements. 
      CO2 Create client side and server side programs using scripts using PHP 
  CO3 Design dynamic web sites and handle multimedia components.
  CO4 Create applications with PHP connected to database..
  CO5  Create Personal Information System.
      CO6  Implement the technologies behind computer networks and mobile communication. 
C201 MA8351  Discrete Mathematics  CO1  Students acquire the knowledge of the concept needed to test the logic of a program
      CO2 Students would be aware of the Mathematical Induction, counting principles and   Inclusion & Exclusion. Basic concepts of the pigeonhole principle, Recurrence relations are introduced.Llinear recurrence relations and Generating functions are solved
  CO3 Graphs and graph models are illustrated. Graph terminology and special types of graphs , Matrix representation of graphs ,graph isomorphism and Connectivity are explained. Euler and Hamilton paths are introduced
  CO4 Students would be exposed to concepts and properties of algebraic structures such as groups, rings and fields
  CO5 Students would be aware of a class of functions which transform a finite set into another finite set which relates to input and output functions in computer science and acquire knowledge of Boolean algebra.
      CO6 Learn about the application logical elation, graphs and algebraic functions
C202  CS8351 Digital Principles and System Design CO1 To apply the principles of number system, binary codes and Boolean algebra to minimize logic expressions and its use in digital electronics
      CO2 Develop ability to identify, analyze and design combinational circuits
  CO3 Develop ability to design various synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits
  CO4 Be able to describe and compare various memory systems, shift registers 
  CO5 Understand the role RAM, ROM and implementation of PLD's
      CO6 To study the design and implement methods for various Digital modules
C203 CS8391 Data Structures  CO1 Implement abstract data types for linear data structures.
      CO2 Apply the different linear and non-linear data structures to problem solutions.  
  CO3 Apply the different non-linear tree data structures to problem solutions.  
  CO4 Critically analyze the various searching algorithms. 
  CO5 Critically analyze the various sorting algorithms.
      CO6 Apply the different linear and non-linear data structures to develop applications.  
C204 CS8392 Object Oriented Programming  CO1 Develop Java programs using OOP principles.
      CO2 Develop Java programs with the concepts inheritance and interfaces 
  CO3 Build Java applications using exceptions and I/O streams
  CO4 Develop Java applications with threads and generics classes
  CO5 Develop interactive Java programs using swings.
      CO6 Design and implement project using JAVA
C205 EC8394 Analog and Digital Communication  CO1 Understand Analog communication techniques
      CO2 Learn Data and Pulse communication techniques
  CO3 Understand Digital communication techniques
  CO4 Understand various types of coding 
  CO5 Understand Multi-user radio communication                                                                                                                               
      CO6 Understand multiplexing techniques
C206 CS8381 Data Structures Laboratory  CO1 Implement linear and non-linear data structures 
      CO2 Understand the different operations of search trees 
  CO3 Implement graph traversal algorithms 
  CO4 Get familiarized to sorting and searching algorithms 
  CO5 Understand and implement the Hashing algorithm
      CO6 Develop application using the data structures concepts
C207 CS8383 Object Oriented Programming Laboratory  CO1 Develop and implement Java programs for simple applications that make use of classes,packages and interfaces.
      CO2 Develop and implement Java programs with Array list, exception handling and multithreading.
  CO3 Design applications using file processing, generic programming and event handling.
  CO4 Design and develop mini projects using JAVA programming..
  CO5 Design applications using generic programming and event handling.
      CO6 Design and develop mini projects using JAVA programming
C208 CS8382 Digital Systems Laboratory  CO1 Understand the various basic logic gates 
      CO2 Design and implement the various combinational circuits
  CO3 Design and implement combinational circuits using MSI devices. 
  CO4 Design and implement sequential circuits 
  CO5 Understand and code with HDL programming 
      CO6  Design and develop mini projects using MSI devices
C209  HS8381 Interpersonal Skills/Listening & Speaking  CO1  Listen and respond appropriately.
      CO2 Participate in group discussions
  CO3  Make effective presentations
  CO4 Participate confidently and appropriately in conversations both formal and informal
  CO5 Speak clearly with intonation patterns
      CO6 Make interactive communication using appropriate listening and speaking
C210 MA8402 Probability and Queueing Theory CO1 Understand the fundamental knowledge of the concepts of probability and have knowledge of standard distributions which can describe real life phenomenon.
      CO2 Understand the basic concepts of one and two dimensional random variables and apply in engineering applications
  CO3 Apply the concept of random processes in engineering disciplines.
  CO4 Acquire skills in analyzing queueing models.
      CO5 Understand and characterize phenomenon which evolve with respect to time in a probabilistic manner.
C211  CS8491  Computer Architecture CO1 Learn the basic structure and operations of a computer.
      CO2 Learn the arithmetic and logic unit and implementation of fixed-point and floating point arithmetic unit.
  CO3 Learn the basics of pipelined execution
  CO4 Understand parallelism and multi-core processors
  CO5 Understand the memory hierarchies, cache memories and virtual memories
      CO6 Learn the different ways of communication with I/O devices
C212 CS8492 Database Management Systems CO1 Classify the modern and futuristic database applications based on size and complexity 
      CO2 Map ER model to Relational model to perform database design effectively 
  CO3 Write queries using normalization criteria and optimize queries 
  CO4 Compare and contrast various indexing strategies in different database systems 
  CO5 Appraise how advanced databases differ from traditional databases. 
      CO6 Appreciate the latest trends in databases
C213 CS8451 Design and Analysis of Algorithms CO1 Design algorithms and analyze the time and space complexity for various recursive and nonrecursive computing problems.
      CO2 Ability to understand and design algorithms using Bruteforce and Divide-and-Conquer techniques for various problems..
  CO3  Design and analyze algorithms using Dynamic programming and Greedy technique for various problems..
  CO4 Ability to solve the problems using iterative improvement
  CO5 Understand the limitations of algorithms and modify existing algorithms to improve efficiency.
      CO6 Utilize various algorithm design techniques for critically analyzing and solving problems
C214 CS8493 Operating Systems CO1 Understand the basic concepts and functions of OS and process 
      CO2 Analyze various scheduling algorithms and Understand deadlock, prevention and avoidance algorithms.
  CO3 Understand the functionality of file systems.
  CO4 Compare and contrast various memory management schemes. 
  CO5 Perform administrative tasks on Linux Servers. 
      CO6 Compare iOS and Android Operating Systems. 
C215  GE8291 Environmental Science and Engineering CO1 Understand the physical and chemical structure of the biotic and abiotic components, energy transfer and function of an ecosystem. Students can demonstrate their knowledge for the values and conservation of biodiversity.
      CO2  Demonstrating new pollution control technologies as well as reduce the cost of effluent treatment. Improve the skills of students to adapt green technologies to reduce pollution and also as an individual or as a team work students can understand how to reduce pollution.
  CO3  Understand the various natural resources and analyze the most important issues like safe and clean drinking water. As an individual or as a team work students can understand to protect natural resources.
  CO4 Understand the socio economic aspects associated with various developmental activities such as water conservation methods and watershed management. They could also understand environmental laws are the tools for effective management and protection of the environment. Apply environmental ethics to conserve the environment. 
  CO5 Create data base for pollution control, biodiversity, Western Ghats, environmental management and wild life.  Apply modern tools such as GIS, ENVIS and NMIS for environmental management.
      CO6 Achieve the goals of sustainable development with the help of public and finding the solutions for ecological and environmental issues.
C216 CS8481 Database Management Systems Laboratory CO1 Use typical data definitions and manipulation commands
      CO2  Design applications to test Nested and Join Queries
  CO3 Implement simple applications that use Views
  CO4 Implement applications that require a Front-end Tool
  CO5 Critically analyze the use of Tables, Views, Functions and Procedures
      CO6 Create real life database applications 
C217 CS8461 Operating Systems Laboratory CO1 Compare the performance of various CPU Scheduling Algorithms 
      CO2 Implement Deadlock avoidance and Detection Algorithms
  CO3 Implement Semaphores
  CO4 Create processes and implement IPC
  CO5 Analyze the performance of the various Page Replacement Algorithms
      CO6 Implement File Organization and File Allocation Strategies
C218 HS8461 Advanced Reading and Writing CO1 Strengthen the reading skills of students of engineering.
      CO2 Enhance their writing skills with specific reference to technical writing.
  CO3 Develop critical thinking skills.
  CO4  Provide more opportunities to develop their project and proposal writing skills.
  CO5 Read and comprehend graphic information.
      CO6 Make interactive communication using appropriate reading and writing skills.
C301 MA8551 Algebra and Number Theory CO1 Apply the basic notions of groups, rings, fields which will then be used to solve related problems.
      CO2 Explain the fundamental concepts of advanced algebra and their role in modern mathematics and applied contexts.
  CO3 Reveal accurate and efficient use of advanced algebraic techniques.
  CO4 Exhibit their mastery by solving non – trivial problems related to the concepts, and by proving simple theorems about the, statements proven by the text.
      CO5 Pertain integrated approach to number theory and abstract algebra, and provide a firm basis for further reading and study in the subject.
C302 CS8591 COMPUTER NETWORKS CO1 Understand the basic layers and its functions in computer networks
      CO2 Evaluate the performance of a network
  CO3 Understand the basics of how data flows from one node to another
  CO4 Analyze and design routing algorithms
  CO5 Design protocols for various functions in the network
      CO6 Understand the various functions of application layer protocols
C303 EC8691 MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROCONTROLLERS CO1 Understand and execute programs based on 8086 microprocessor.
      CO2 Design Memory Interfacing circuits.
  CO3 Interface microprocessors with supporting chips.
  CO4 Study the Architecture of 8051 microcontroller.
  CO5 Design a microcontroller based system.
      CO6 Understand Interfacing concepts and execute assembly language programs
C304 IT8501 WEB TECHNOLOGY CO1 Design simple web pages using markup languages like HTML and XHTML. 
      CO2 Create dynamic web pages using DHTML and java script that is easy to navigate and use. 
  CO3 Program server side web pages that have to process request from client side web pages. 
  CO4 Represent web data using XML and develop web pages using JSP. 
  CO5 Understand various web services and how these web services interact. 
      CO6 To explore several new standards that may play a significant role in the World Wide Web of tomorrow.
C305 CS8494 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CO1 Identify the key activities in managing a software project.
      CO2 Compare different process models.
  CO3 Concepts of requirements engineering and Analysis Modeling.
  CO4 Apply systematic procedure for software design and deployment.
  CO5 Compare and contrast the various testing and maintenance.
      CO6 Manage project schedule, estimate project cost and effort required.
C306 OMD553 Open Elective I (Telehealth Technology) CO1 Able to apply the key aspects of telemedicine and health.
      CO2 Understand telemedical technology and apply multimedia technologies in telemedicine.
  CO3 Describe telemedical standards and apply protocols behind encryption techniques for secure transmission of data.
  CO4 Demonstrate image acquisition system and storage management system
  CO5 Describe various telemedical applications
      CO6 Demonstrate the business aspects in telemedicine project planning.
C307 EC8681 MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROCONTROLLERS LABORATORY CO1 Write ALP Programmes for fixed and Floating Point and Arithmetic operations
      CO2 Interface different I/O s with Processor
  CO3 Generate waveforms using Microprocessors
  CO4 Execute programs in 8051
  CO5 Explain the difference between simulator and Emulator
      CO6 Understand MASM concepts
C308 CS8581 NETWORKS LABORATORY CO1 Learn and use network commands.
      CO2 Learn socket programming
  CO3 Implement and analyze various network protocols
  CO4 Learn and use simulation tools
  CO4 Use simulation tools to analyze the performance of various network protocols.
  CO5 Use simulation tools to analyze the performance of various network protocols.
      CO6 Implement all the application layer protocols in a computer network 
C310 CS8601 COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE CO1 Provide a basic exposition to the goals and methods of Computational Intelligence
      CO2 Study of the design of intelligent computational techniques.
  CO3 Apply the Intelligent techniques for problem solving
  CO4 Improve problem solving skills using the acquired knowledge in the areas of, reasoning, natural language understanding, computer vision, automatic programming and machine learning.
  CO5 Capability to learn Computational intelligence techniques for Information retrieval
      CO6 Ability to learn Computational intelligence techniques primarily for machine learning
C311 CS8592 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN CO1 Design test cases suitable for a software development for different domains.
      CO2 Identify suitable tests to be carried out.
  CO3 Identify various scenarios based on software requirements
  CO4 Transform UML based software design into pattern based design using design patterns.
  CO5 Understand the various testing methodologies for OO software
      CO6 Utilize the Object Oriented concepts, design patterns and testing to create object oriented software and also outline their scope of providing IT solutions for different domains which helps in the betterment of life.
C312 CS860 MOBILE COMMUNICATION CO1 Explain the basics of mobile telecommunication system
      CO2 Choose the required functionality at each layerfor given application
  CO3 Identify solution foreach functionality at each layer
  CO4 Use simulator tools and design adhoc networks
  CO5 Develop a mobile application.
      CO6 Gain knowledge about different mobile platforms and application development
C313 CS8091 BIG DATA ANALYTICS CO1 Learn and Work with big data tools and its analysis techniques
      CO2 Analyze data by utilizing clustering and classification algorithms
  CO3 Learn and apply different mining algorithms and recommendation systems for large volumes of data
  CO4 Perform analytics on data streams
  CO5 Learn NoSQL databases and management
      CO6 Learn about tools and techniques that requires the integration of large amounts of data.
C314 CS8092 COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND MULTIMEDIA CO1 Effectively and Creatively study Illumination and color models , output primitives
          CO2 Understand the two-dimensional graphics and their transformations.
  CO3 Understand the three-dimensional graphics and their transformations.
  CO4 Familiar with various software programs used in the creation and implementation of multimedia
  CO5 Understand the concept of hypermedia.
          CO6 Improve technical ability and creativity with in design practice.
C315 IT8076 PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE I – SOFTWARE TESTING CO1 Design test cases suitable for a software development for different domains
      CO2 Identify suitable test case to be carried out.
  CO3 Prepare test planning based on the document
  CO4 Document test plans and test case designed
  CO5 Use automatic test tools
      CO6 Develop and validate a test plan
C316 CS8662 MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT LABORATORY CO1 Develop mobile applications using GUI and Layouts
      CO2 Develop mobile applications using Event Listener.
  CO3 Develop mobile applications using Databases.
  CO4 Develop mobile applications using RSS Feed, Internal/External Storage, SMS, Multithreading and GPS.
  CO5 Analyze and discover own mobile app for simple needs.
      CO6 Develop mobile applications using notification manager,basic graphical primitives and alert message
C317 CS8582 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN LABORATORY CO1 Perform OO analysis and design for a given problem specification.
      CO2 Identify and map basic software requirements in UML mapping with domain model, class diagram and use case diagram
  CO3 Draw UML Sequence and Collaboration Diagrams.
  CO4 Draw State Chart and Activity Diagrams.
  CO5 Implement and Improve the software quality using design patterns and to explain the rationale behind applying specific design patterns
      CO6 Test the compliance of the software with the SRS and modify the system domains which helps in the betterment of life.
C318 IT8611 MINI PROJECT CO1 Identify the problem by applying acquired knowledge. 
      CO2 Perform OO analysis and design for a given problem specification 
  CO3 Identify and map basic software requirements in UML mapping
  CO4 Choose efficient tools for designing project modules.
  CO5 Improve the software quality using design patterns and to explain the rationale behind applying
      CO6 Test the compliance of the software with the SRS
C319 HS8581 PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION CO1 Identify the essentials of hard, soft skills, professional values, career skills and societal awareness.
      CO2 Give an effective self introduction, present on topics with effective visual aids and answer questions effectively in the query sessions.
  CO3 Identify the etiquettes of participating in a Group discussion and execute them in real time discussions during the job interviews.
  CO4 Illustrate the different types of interviews and the etiquettes of Interview skills with possible FAQS and apply the learned skills in job interviews.
  CO5 Recognize the career management skills like team management, stress management, networking and to develop a constructive career plan
      CO6 Identify the procedures of taking part in competitive exams like IELTS, TOEFL with reference to listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
C401 MG8591 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT CO1 Explain the definition, fundamentals and methodologies in data analytics. 
      CO2 Understand and apply the concepts of planning and decision making
  CO3 Understand issues relating to organizing and staffing.
  CO4 Describe the various aspects of directing
      CO5 Understand management control in organizations .
C402 CS8792 CRYPTOGRAPHY AND NETWORK SECURITY CO1 Understand the OSI security architecture, concepts of finite fields and number theory.
      CO2 Analyse and use various symmetric and asymmetric cryptosystems. 
  CO3 Apply the authentication mechanism with various signature algorithms.
  CO4 Understand authentication protocols and design the firewall system.
  CO5 Compare Email, IP and E-mail security techniques. 
      CO6 Comprehend social and ethical standards adapted to design secure applications using various cryptographic techniques.
C403 CS8791 CLOUD COMPUTING CO1 Articulate the main concepts, key technologies, strengths and limitations of cloud computing.
      CO2 Learn the key and enabling technologies that help in the development of cloud.
  CO3 Develop the ability to understand and use the architecture of compute and storage cloud, service and delivery models.
  CO4 Explain the core issues of cloud computing such as resource management and security.
  CO5 Be able to install and use current cloud technologies
      CO6 Evaluate and choose the appropriate technologies, algorithms and approaches for implementation and use of cloud.
C404 CS8591 OPEN ELECTIVE II  - Hospital Management CO1 The students would be able to explain the principles of Hospital administartion
      CO2 The students would be able to identify the importance of Human resource management
  CO3 The students would be able to understand the recruitment and training programmes in Hospitals
  CO4 The students would be able to list the activities of various departments in hospitals
      CO5 The students would be able to identify the information management system and its uses and understand safety procedures followed in hospitals
C405 IT8075 PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE II - Software Project Management CO1 To outline the need for Software Project Management.
      CO2 Gain extensive knowledge about the basic project management concepts,
framework and the process models
  CO3 Obtain adequate knowledge about software process models and software effort
estimation techniques
  CO4 To manage software projects and control software deliverables.
  CO5 Define the checkpoints, project reporting structure, project progress and tracking mechanisms
using project management principles.
      CO6 Learn staff selection process and the issues related to people management
C406 CS8079 PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE III -Human Computer Interaction CO1 Design effective dialog for HCI
      CO2 Design effective HCI for individuals and persons with disabilities.
  CO3 Assess the importance of user feedback.
  CO4 Explain the HCI implications for designing multimedia/ ecommerce/ e-learning Web sites.
  CO5 Develop meaningful user interface.
      CO6 To understand about various HCI implementations for designing multimedia, ecommerce and web interfaces
C407 IT8711 FOSS AND CLOUD COMPUTING LABORATORY CO1 Configure various virtualization tools such as Virtual Box,Vmware Station
      CO2 Design and deploy web application in a PaaS Environment
  CO3 Learn how to simulate a cloud environment to implement a new scheduler.
  CO4 Install and use a generic cloud environment that can be as private cloud
  CO5 Manipulate large data sets in a parallel environment
      CO6 Install and use Hadoop
C408 IT8761 SECURITY LABORATORY CO1 Develop programs for the implementation of various classical encryption techniques. 
      CO2 Implement the basic concept of encryption and decryption for secure data transmission. 
  CO3 Execute the concept of digital signature and its applications
  CO4 Design honeypot and installation of rootkits for secure data communication
  CO5 Explore wireless audit on a single access point or a router and decrypt WEP and WPA using Net Stumbler
      CO6 Design Intrusion Detection System using snort software
C409 CS8074 PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE IV  Cyber Forensics CO1 Understand the basics of computer forensics
      CO2 Apply a number of different computer forensic tools to a given scenario
  CO3 Analyze and validate forensics data
  CO4 Identify the vulnerabilities in a given network infrastructure
  CO5 Implement real-world hacking techniques to test system security
      CO6 Gain in-depth knowledge on computer forensics, Cyber forensics and its tools
C410 IT8005 PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE V  - Electronic Commerce CO1 Design Website using HTML CSS and JS
      CO2 Design Responsive Sites
  CO3 Aware of the challenges and security issues in E-Commerce
  CO4 Have the knowledge of the different types of marketing techniques and tools. 
  CO5 Manage, Maintain and Support Web Apps
      CO6 Build an Own E-Commerce using Open Source Frameworks 
C411 IT8811 PROJECT WORK CO1 Identify the problem by applying acquired knowledge. 
      CO2 Analyze executable project modules after considering risks. 
  CO3 Categorize executable project modules after considering risks
  CO4 Choose efficient tools for designing project modules.
  CO5 Combine all the modules through effective team work after efficient testing
  CO6 Elaborate the completed task and compile the project report.