V Jeyalakshmi, G Ramesh, Rajkumar, “Efficient key management and key distribution for online learning”, Secure Data Management for Online Learning Applications, April 2023, pp- 135-155, https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003264538


R. NiranjanaA. Essaki Muthu K. Lakshmi NarayananY. Harold Robinson, Rajkumar Krishnan, C. Ramasamy Sankar Ram, R. Santhana Krishnan, “Internet of Things Based Smart Accident Recognition and Rescue System Using Deep Forests ML Algorithm”, Springer Book Series: Recent Advances in Internet of Things and Machine Learning. Intelligent Systems Reference Library, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-90119-6_4, Volume: 215, January 2022.

R. Santhana Krishnan, A.Sangeetha, D. Abitha Kumari,N. Nandhini, G. Karpagarajesh, K. Lakshmi Narayanan & K. Lakshmi Narayanan & Y. Harold Robinson, “A Secured Manhole Management System Using IoT and Machine Learning”, Recent Advances in Internet of Things and Machine Learning. Intelligent Systems Reference Library, vol 215. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-90119-6_3, vol 215, 2022. 

R. Dineshkumar, G Vinodareddy, S. Ravi chand, B. Karthika, V . Murugesh, “CNN Classification Approach to Detecting Abusive Content in Text Messages”, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain in Digital Forensics, River Publishers, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003374671.

R. SanthanaKrishnan, K. Lakshmi Narayanan, S. T. Bharathi, N. Deepa, S. Mathumitha Murali,M. Ashok Kumar & C. R. T. Suria Prakash,” Machine Learning Based Efficient and Secured Car Parking System”, Springer Book Series: Recent Advances in Internet of Things and Machine Learning. Intelligent Systems Reference Library, vol 215, Feb 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-90119-6_11 (Scopus Indexed)                                                          


Krishnan, R., Perumal, G., Anandaraj, M., Selvaraj, K.,  Sangeetha"A Energy-efficiency in WSN based on SCMC protocol ",in the book titled Advances in Cybernetics, Cognition, and Machine Learning for Communication Technologies, springer, pp: 123–131,2020, ISBN: 978-981-15-3124-8

Amudha, L., Pushpalakshmi, R" Applications, Analytics, and Algorithms—3 A’s of Stream Data: A Complete Survey", in the book titled Intelligence in Big Data Technologies—Beyond the Hype, Springer, 2020, pp: 599–606, ISBN978-981-15-5284-7.

Amudha L., PushpaLakshmi, R. (2020) ,``A Hybrid Computational Intelligence Algorithm to Transform Traditional IPC Into a Smart Camera,`` in the book titled Handbook of Research on Innovation and Development of E-Commerce and E-Business in ASEAN, IGI Global, pp:722-732, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4984-1.

Kalaivani Karuppiah , Dr. N. Umamaheswari, Dr. R. Venkatesh"Analysis on Indian Stock Market Prediction Using Deep Learning Models", in the book titled published by IGI Global, pp 80-90, 2020, ISBN10: 1799825663.


Dr.R PushpaLakshmi Dr.A.Vincent Antony Kumar, Dr.R.Sivakami, Dr. N. Pandeeswari" Problem Solving & Python Programming", published by Charulatha Publications, 2019, ISBN978-93-86532-33-6.

Dr. S. Jeyanthi, Dr. N Uma Maheswari and Dr. R. Venkatesh, "Fundamentals of Fingerprint & Its Real Time Applications",  in the book titled published by Advances in Computer Science Volume-I, AkiNik Publications, Pg:83-104, 2019, ISBN: 978-93-88112-94-9. 

Dr. U. Barakkath Nisha, Dr. N. Uma Maheswari, Dr. R. Venkatesh and R.Yasir Abdullah , "Importance of Anomaly Detection and Diagnosis in Wireless Sensor Networks ", in the book titled by Advances in Computer VOLUME-2 , AkiNik Publications, Pg:21-48, 2019, ISBN 978-93-5335-211-0.


Dr.R Pushpa Lakshmi, Dr.R.Sivakami, Dr. N. PandeeswariInformation Technology Essentials", published by Charulatha Publications, 2018.


Dr. R. Pushpa Lakshmi Ms. R. Manjuladevi, Dr.R.Sivakami, Dr. N. Pandeeswari " Object Oriented Programming", published by Charulatha Publications, 2017, ISBN 978-93-86532-83-1.