
Department Of Computer Science and Business Systems
S.No | Title of the Patent | Authors Name | Application Number | Date | Status |
1. | A System of IOT powered Accident Detection and Rapid emergency response system thereof |
Dr.S.Pavalarajan |
202341071234 |
19/10/23 |
Published |
2. | AI powered smart dustbin with crypto currency rewards for sustainable campus and beyond |
Dr.S.Pavalarajan |
202341071239 |
19/10/23 |
Published |
3. | A system for electric vehicle charge station finder and battery level indicator |
Dr.S.Pavalarajan |
202341071309 |
19/10/23 |
Published |
4. | Smart Walking stick for blind people with object detection and vibration alert |
Dr.S.Pavalarajan |
202441004530 |
23/01/24 |
Published |
5. | A System of Reading Technology for Blind People Using OCR and NEURA Machine Learning Method |
Dr.S.Pavalarajan |
202441012272 | 21/02/24 | Published |
6. | A System of RFID Based Automated Parking Vehicle Allotment and Fee Calculation | Dr.S.Pavalarajan Mrs.K.Haripriya Karthikeyan MP MuthuSaravananK NandhaKumar S |
202441012256 | 21/02/24 | Published |
7. | Innovative IOT Based Communication System - Enhancing Quality of Life For Paralytic And Disabled Patients | Dr.S.Pavalarajan Mrs T.Vithyaa Iyyappan A Kabilan S Surya Prakash K |
202441039619 | 21/05/24 | Published |