Red Ribbon Club
Red Ribbon Club-ARIBAS is envisaged to instill among all the students in the educational institutions values of service, develop healthy life styles, and increase availability of safe and adequate quantities of blood to all the needy. We also aim at harnessing the potentional of the youth by equipping them with correct information on mental health, substance abuse, nutrition and reproductive health and building their capacities as peer educators in spreading message on positive health behaviour in an enabling environment.
The mission of Minnesota Fighting AIDS on Bikes (MN-FAB) is to educate the public about HIV and to raise funds and awareness to support Minnesota AIDS service organizations. To do this, we will organize and produce the Red Ribbon Ride - a safe ride for the participants and fiscally responsible for the benefiting agencies.
- We role model respect, accepting and acknowledging others and the many gifts we each possess.
- We promote the inclusion of people, ideas, perspectives and cultures. Through an Aboriginal lens, we see and embrace diversity within our membership and our communities
- Our commitment to integrity lies at the heart of who we are and what we believe. We bring confidentiality, passion, humility, honesty, fairness and a strict code of ethics to our work.
- Our success depends upon our ability to perform as a highly effective team. We acknowledge the mutual responsibility of citizens, partner agencies and government to provide a high quality of life and to work together to meet our common goals. Together everyone achieves more
- We foster open and clear dialogue that encourages the willingness to speak up and actively listen, within a framework of mutual respect and shared understanding.
- We value results accomplished through dedicated members, volunteers and employees who endeavor to meet the needs and expectations of the community. We accept personal and professional responsibility to achieve the goals established for our organization
- We strive to provide quality public service through sound decision-making and accountability for our actions. We provide relevant, current and accurate knowledge in a professional manner
Red Ribbon Symbol
The Red Ribbon is the international symbol of HIV and AIDS awareness. It stands for:
- Care and Concern
It is being worn by increasing numbers of people around the world to demonstrate their care and concern about HIV and AIDS - for those who are living with HIV, for those who are ill, for those who have died and for those who care for and support those directly affected.
- Hope
The Red Ribbon is intended to be a symbol of hope which the search for a vaccine and cure to halt the suffering is successful and the quality of life improves for those living with the virus.
- Support
The Red Ribbon offers symbolic support for those living with HIV, for the continuing education of those not infected, for maximum efforts to find effective treatments, cures or vaccines, and for those who have lost friends, family members or loved ones to AIDS. But the Red Ribbons are not enough.
The Red Ribbon is only a useful symbol in the long run when attached to words and deeds that actually make a difference.
If you are offered a Red Ribbon, you are asked to take it and wear it as a tribute to the millions of people living with or affected by HIV and AIDS worldwide.
Anyone can wear a Red Ribbon to support the cause.
The Red Ribbon Clubs activities are sponsored and conducted by the guidance of Tamilnadu State AIDS Control Society (TANSSACS) Chennai, Tamilnadu. The RRC grant sanctioned by the TANSACS to the Anna University Chennai is distributed to affiliated colleges as per the directions of the TANSACS, Chennai. RRC Programme Officers are nominated in affiliated colleges to organize RRC activities. The University RRC Coordinator coordinates RRC activities of affiliated colleges and reports the activities to the TANSACS, Chennai, periodically. One Field Officer is appointed by TANSACS, Chennai to conduct RRC activities in affiliated colleges.
The objectives of Red Ribbon Club are:
To understand the objectives and dynamics of RRC in higher educational institutions
To design appropriate and relevant activities for the RRCs
To understand the potential strength, barriers and constraints in the conduct of RRC activities and suggest suitable strategies to overcome
To redefine the roles and responsibilities of each RRC functionary
To develop a schedule for structured training Programs for select categories of RRC functionaries and groups
To discuss dissemination and advocacy activities at the macro-levels to give visibility to RRC and help formulation of policies
RRC has more than 150 volunteers and the numbers are rising rapidly. All the volunteers are working for the noble cause of awareness among the rural and urban population about AIDS and other such disease that the society is facing and promoting overall progressive health and wellness.