Details about the On-going Projects

National b) International funding agencies c) Total grants received

Sl. No. Name of the Project Name of the Funding Agency Name of the Project Investigator National / International Total Grant Received in Lakhs of  Rs
  Department of Mechanical Engineering
Experimental and numerical investigation on damping and sound absorption capacity of natural fiber composite porous materials AICTE Dr.D.Vasudevan National 11,58,000
Programming and Operation on CNC Turning AICTE Dr.R.Kannan National 18,75,000
  Department of CSE
2 Intelligent Video Analytics AICTE Dr.D.Shanthi National 4,80,000
3 Cognitive Computing AICTE – MODROBS Dr.D.Shanthi National 9,50,,000
5 Bioinformatics And Computational Genomics: Intelligent tools and methods to prevent epidemic diseases using Bigdata Department Of Biotechnology, New Delhi Dr.D.Shanthi Dr. N. UMA MAHESWARI National 50,000
6 Application of  I-SMAC Technologies  & Tools for public health surveillance to prevent epidemic disease Indian Council Of Medical Research (ICMR), New Delhi Dr.D.Shanthi Dr. K. MANIVANNAN National 40,000
Fingerprint Recognition
System for latent
overlapped images
AICTE Dr. N. UMA MAHESWARI Dr. S. JEYANTHI National 3,60,000
8 Inclusion of FACE biometric security system using hidden MARKOV and neural networks in banking sector AICTE Dr.D.Shanthi National 3,35,000
9 Key Technologies And Intelligent Tools In Healthcare Applications Over Internet Of Things (IoT) Department Of Biotechnology, New Delhi Dr.D.Shanthi Dr. K. DHANALAKSHMI National 70,000
  Department of IT
Implementation of processing power calculator in ad hoc network nodes to obtain overall energy consumption.(processing plus radio) AICTE - RPS Dr.P.Ganeshkumar,
Dr. A. Vincent Antony Kumar
National 3,12,000
Design and development of IOT and embedded applications lab AICTE Dr. A. Vincent Antony Kumar National 6,10,000
Social Relevant Project(SRP) IIT-Madras, Chennai Dr. A.Vincent Antony Kumar National 1,00,000
Social Relevant Project(SRP) IIT-Madras, Chennai Dr. A. Vincent Antony Kumar National 3,00,000
People with Innovation MHRD Smart INDIA Hackthon 2017 Mr.Sakthivel Murgan
Dr. .Karuppathal
National 3,00,000
Palani yathraI PSNACET Dr. A.Vincent Antony Kumar National 25,000
Ten day training program on Big Data Analytics Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi. Dr. A.Vincent Antony Kumar National 6,00,000
8 Data Science Tools and Techniques in Engineering AICTE Dr.S.Pavalarajan National 3,50,667
    Department of MBA
Resource utilisation, Business awareness, Marketability and Branding techniques to Scheduled Tribes (Paliyar) of Sirumalai Hills, Tamil Nadu DST (NRDMS) Dr. A. Sabarirajan National 9,50,000
2 Entrepreneurship Development Cell EDI Ahmedabad Dr. S. Manimaran &
National 1,50,000

Details about the Completed Projects

National b) International funding agencies c) Total grants received

Sl. No. Name of the Project Name of the Funding Agency Name of the Project Investigator National / International Total Grant Received in Rs.
Department of Civil Engineering
1 Traffic Census Survey along NH209 NHAI, Govt. of India Dr.N. Mahendran National 14.02 Lakhs
2 Design of High Strength Pavements TNSCST Dr.N. Mahendran National 6000
3 Disaster Management and Mitigation TNSCST Dr.N. Mahendran National 5000
4 Application of Geosynthetics for dewatering tannery sludge TNSCST Dr.N. Mahendran National 5000
5 GIS modelling on effect of leachate from municipal solid waste TNSCST Dr.N.Prabhakaran National 5000
6 Flouride Hazard mapping TNSCST Dr.N.Prabhakaran National 6000
7 Subsurface Ground water analysis TNSCST Dr.N.Prabhakaran National 6000
8 E-governance of rural areas through Remote Sensing and GIS TNSCST Dr.N.Prabhakaran National 6000
Department of Mechanical Engineering
VCR Multi-Fuel Engine AICTE Dr.D.Vasudevan National 6 Lakhs
Department of ECE
Modernization of  Communication Laboratory (2013) AICTE Dr.G.Athisha National 15 Lakhs
EEG Signal processing algorithm for monitoring Cognitive status (2013) DRDO Dr.K.Adalarasu National 8.9 Lakhs
Department of MBA
1 EDC EDI Ahmedabad Dr.S.Manimaran & Dr. P. S. Venkateswaran National 6.5 Lakhs
2 EDC EDI Ahmedabad Dr.S.Manimaran & Dr. P. S. Venkateswaran National 6.5 Lakhs
3 EDC EDI Ahmedabad Dr.S.Manimaran & Dr. P. S. Venkateswaran National 6.5 Lakhs
4 National Conference DST-SERB Dr.S.Manimaran & Dr.M.Parveen Roja National 1 Lakh
Department of Chemistry
1 Economic empowerment of rural women of Dindigul block (Tamil nadu state) through natural dyeing technology Science for equity, empowerment and development division-New Delhi Dr.S.Anuradha National 3488612